Sunday, March 22, 2015

"3 R's Living Green Seminar" Mini Style

How fun was it?  Very!  These ladies were so kind and supportive to attend the Camelot Park Ladies Night at my house in January.  Up until then we had gathered monthly for Bunco and the annual Christmas ornament exchange.  How many would be interested in learning how to brew a batch of Williams-Sonoma Signature 'store scent' or investigate how to reuse and refashion some common household recyclables? 

Thanks, Candy, for snapping this photo!  I think the smiles say it all. (Missing Valerie and Candy T.)

Here is a list of some of the things I demonstrated after our social hour:

1. Williams-Sonoma signature store scent on the stove top (with a take-away jar of the magical elixir for all who attended the evening's festivities)
2. How to upcycle cardboard boxes and plastic fruit/veggie baskets into gift boxes
3. Make your own refill for that hand soap foam pump
4. Refashioning a simple tin can into a whimsical container for holding smaller gifts
5. Turning junk mail envelopes and food carton cardboard into altered note books and note pads
6. Steeping citrus rinds with vinegar to make a DIY veggie and fruit cleaning spray
7. Converting 'salt tops' and 'milk container spouts' into 'easy pour' jars

Every time I share ideas with others, I learn, too.  Comments from several of these women lead to creative discussion and idea sharing.  After Debbie asked me if they could add essential oils to unscented Castile liquid soap to make the foam soap refills, I got to thinking what a grand suggestion this was.  And when talking about making 'fire starters' from cardboard egg cartons, dryer lint and paraffin wax, Candy G. commented that their family used toilet paper tubes stuffed with dryer lint and they work great.  I love it when people get together and bring something fun and new to the table.

And perhaps some of the best feedback ever was receiving these two photographs after our Ladies Night.  Connie shared this only one night later, saying she needed to wrap a gift for a friend's birthday and looked to her 'recycle bin' for ideas.

Such pretty coasters getting the full-on tissue paper/plastic fruit carton treatment.  Whoohoo!

And Candy T. shared this tip with her hubby, Ralph.  Good job, Candy and Ralph!  Isn't this the perfect foil to keeping those chia seeds under control while pouring?  I love it!  So proud!


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