1. Use juice from a lemon in your favorite recipe.
2. Add a dusting of baking soda in your stained coffee pot and scrub clean with the used lemon.
3. Sprinkle a bit more baking soda into your sink and use lemon rind and pulp to put a shine in your sink.
4. Drop lemon into garbage disposal to clean and leave your sink smelling fresh. If you don't have a disposal, toss the well-worn lemon rind into your compost pail.
While browsing the internet about the healthy benefits of citrus, I came across this DIY project. Fill a quart jar with every kind of leftover citrus. Top off with white distilled vinegar. Sealed up tight and left to 'steep' for two weeks, the citrus infused vinegar is then strained and used in a 1:1 ratio with water for a spray cleaner. Well, I had to try this. I have been eating so much different citrus that it gave me a chance to 'recycle' the leftover peelings and pulp.
Oranges, grapefruit, limes, lemons, Cuties, and tangerines...all added to this quart-jar and topped off with vinegar and set aside for a couple of weeks. Strained my first of five jars, poured the contents into a spray bottle and added an equal amount of water. Using the new spray, I wiped down all the kitchen counters and my stove top.
Love the feeling of accomplishment and recycling in a new way.
Love the feeling of accomplishment and recycling in a new way.
Cool idea honey but alas it was too late for the dozen limes I squeezed to save juice for my Vodka Tonics' . ha ha ha ha. but now have wonderful fresh lemons and will 'begin'... :)