Thursday, January 10, 2013

Gardening New Year's Resolutions

  1. I will spend more time outside in the garden and less watching television and using the computer.
  2. I will water my lawn and gardens only when needed and avoid shallow daily watering. I will water them in the early morning so they will be dry by night.
  3. I will do a soil test for each lawn and garden site and use only the fertilizer ingredients which are indicated.
  4. I will use fewer chemicals in my landscape and when a pesticide is needed, opt for a "softer" organic preparation.
  5. I will start a compost pile and put all my garden wastes to good use rather than sending them to the landfill.
  6. I will visit the OSU Extension center in Tulsa and get OSU's free fact sheets to answer my gardening questions; especially their sheets with detailed recommendations for Bermuda and fescue lawn care.
  7. I will plant that new tree I have been wanting. I will get tree planting instructions from OSU Extension and take care not to plant too deeply and to plant in a wide hole.
  8. I will use lots of mulch. This is my plant's best friend which prevents weeds, moisture loss, moderates temperature and protects against lawn equipment injury.
  9. I will select trees, shrubs and other plants with their adult size-height and width-in mind and place the right plant in the right spot.
  10. I will get my seeds ordered for spring planting by the end of January.
Thank you, Tulsa Master Gardeners, for providing this list of yard-worthy resolutions.  Happy New Year, Everyone!  May your gardens thrive in 2013!!

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