I've always loved to create stuff. Maybe this is why I enjoy gardening so much. Planting and watching it grow is very much like creating something new and original. Near and dear to my heart is finding a new and unique way to refashion an existing material. How cool that it's very trendy to do now and we call it reducing, reusing, recycling. Yup. I like this.
This new blog will be an ideal place for me to post projects and ideas for reference. I'm not proud; I find some great ideas on the internet and when I reproduce something I've found on-line, I will try to post a name and link to the original idea.
Carving erasers and making rubber stamp images is easy to do. And yes, that means easy for you, too! These "three R's" and 'planet earth' stamps were fun to carve and now that they're scanned into the computer I can print and use them to make personalized tags and labels.
Carving erasers and making rubber stamp images is easy to do. And yes, that means easy for you, too! These "three R's" and 'planet earth' stamps were fun to carve and now that they're scanned into the computer I can print and use them to make personalized tags and labels.
Have to let you know that the big box of CHEERIOS is happy I BOUGHT
'C A T C H I N G '.... :)
Except Kimberly I bought the Original Cheerios; what kind did we snack on; not these! :(
Honey Nut Cheerios! And so happy you're sending cardboard post cards. Folks will love receiving your mail!